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The Shekhar Datta ChatSHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:38:38 1997 IST):
Indian: I cannot argue with you about the Tata-SIA or Enron episode.
Facts are known to everyone. However, one might take some comfort
that because of a strong democracy and judiciary, Enron has got
off the ground. Who knows about Tata-SIA? Let us wait and see.
CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:40:09 1997 IST):
Mr. Datta : Switzerland now has a rule, in their banking sector,
that if a Government gets a sort of waiver from a group of citizens
with accounts there, say for example members of CII, then any
investigation by that country, say India, on Swiss Bank accounts
from that segment would proceed without hindrance. Would CII consider
supporting such a move, why not do it unilaterally ''in the interest
of the long suffering Indian masses?''? No answers Mr. datta,
only messages??? What are you, a PA or something? Indian (Tue Mar 18 20:40:19 1997 IST):
Is there any hope that the private sector will be allowed to Mr
Datta, contribute in the improvement of Basic Infrastructure?
That seems to be the only hope for any form of reform that is
so badly needed!(eg..Telecom, Roadways etc..) SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:41:54 1997 IST):
Park Davis: I am glad as an Indian national you see the differences
between other developing countries and us. There are many reasons
why the Asian tigers attract more investment currently. One most
important reason is that we started rather late and we have a
democracy to deal with. But we are getting there ultimately. Have
confidence. SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:42:27 1997 IST):
EVERYONE: LAST THREE QUESTIONS. CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:43:08 1997 IST):
''OOooh these horrible fellows from the Indian masses...such difficult
questions....much better to organise conferences in 5 star hotels,
feed them and forget them....keep lecturing and buy off the media....''Did
we know that CII went to davos 'in the interest of the Indian
masses'', profit was something altruistic...a motive? Park Davis (Tue Mar 18 20:44:03 1997 IST):
Mr Datta, There is so much happening in China on the infrastructure
front that the mayor of Shanghai quipped that the crane must be
declared the national bird of his city. There are 27,000 projects
going in Shanghai at this moment of time. Do you see that ever
happening in India? Janeman (Tue Mar 18 20:44:33 1997 IST):
Dattaji, (sorry to shout, but otherwise my question will get lost,
Ranjit Dalmia (Tue Mar 18 20:44:42 1997 IST):
What are your impressions of the budget? Trupti Divecha (Tue Mar 18 20:45:04 1997 IST):
What happened to all those extravagant CII claims of attracting
foreign investment in India? What has the CII achieved in this
context in the last one year? SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:45:15 1997 IST):
Trupti Divecha: From newspapers you see how the foreign investments
in the country have been rising on a year to year basis. And this
is only on FDI. If you look at FII, the record is even better.
So, I am very glad to say that CIIs forecast at the beginning
of last year regarding FDI and FII has been more or less accurate.
Trupti Divecha (Tue Mar 18 20:45:28 1997 IST):
Why India has not been able to attract the kind of foreign investment
that China has? CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:45:47 1997 IST):
The stench of hypocrisy comes through the ether.....worried about
the Indian masses, we are sure you have to arrange a few more
conferences. ciao for niao then, as they say in Italian...and
that was a triple whammy for those who recognised it...guess how
many people from CII played golf with O Quattrochi and now don't
know him? Hole in one???hahahahahahahaha (-*-) NINA (Tue Mar 18 20:47:27 1997 IST):
A request from a lady. Could you please answer Janeman? CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:48:48 1997 IST):
You know, on these chats, people tend to ask questions about the
future, when it is so easy to research the past of a person and
make him squirm. Maybe ground rules shud be set, that questions
relating to factual points shud get preference, not questions
relating to the 'what if ' genre...what say gentlemen? With this,
and trumpets in victory, I get onto my elephant and take a bow.....hola
amigos... velu (Tue Mar 18 20:49:08 1997 IST):
Mr. Datta, thanks for replying. I have another question for you.
CII initiated the corporate governance study under the aegis of
Mr. rahul bajaj. we went through the draft copy. of the report.
Our college organised a seminar to discuss this issue. We had
eminent personalities who discussed the subject at length. Do
you think we need a formal code similar to the british system
or whether our new takeover code and other checks can ensure corp.
gov. in the near future similar to the US model. GLOBAL CITIZEN (Tue Mar 18 20:49:57 1997 IST):
I agree CEI mog. I agree. SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:50:57 1997 IST):
CEI mog: I can't ignore your question even if I wanted to. Some
of course deserve an answer. CII is putting out shortly a 'Corporate
Governance' paper which will be published and which addresses
transparency issue of the corporate sector. This document will
be on similar lines as that of the Cadbury committee report which
has earned world wide recognition. So, when we seek transparency
in the government, we do so by putting our own house in order
first. Trust this will satisfy your concern about transparency.
Mickey (Tue Mar 18 20:51:13 1997 IST):
Mr Datta, I am going to jump our of my ground floor window, if
you don't answer me. And you will be responsible. CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:51:33 1997 IST):
Thank You Global Citizen...you wud notice that I don't get answered.
Only convenient questions do... GLOBAL CITIZEN (Tue Mar 18 20:53:14 1997 IST):
Mr Datta pleeeeese answer Mickey... he's going to jump! JaisalM (Tue Mar 18 20:54:13 1997 IST):
Why are all the answers so antiseptic, so safe, especially considering
your aggressive track record. Has the boxer donned kid gloves?
CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:55:18 1997 IST):
Thank you for your reply Mr. Datta...I have an elderly and senior
CEI stalwart chuckling and knocking down some of my best cognac,
so you wud appreciate that I gotto go, good cognac doesn't come
cheap and the old chap here is beside himself with mirth and may
even call you up tomorrow, I don't know, I'm running out of VSOP,
so...nothing personal, it's just that I invite a specialist over
everytime there is a REDIFF chat and give him/her free rein, you
shud see what this Sarkari bunch I had did to Harshad Mehta...or
this queen I had did to Shobha De'... SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:56:33 1997 IST):
Velu: Corporate governance is a voluntary code of conduct by the
corporate sector. The take over code and other such rules are
mandatory for the corporate sector. Until such time, the corporate
sector as a whole in India has learnt to apply the code of conduct,
we would need to press on. The SEBI takeover code is for a different
purpose and objective. CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 20:57:31 1997 IST):
JaisalM, answers are safe and antiseptic because questions are
ditto... The sparks fly here when questions are fast and furious...from
this, Mr Datta, I hope you recognise that CII conferences/summits
etc shud be oriented more towards QandA sessions rather than 'presentations',
huh?? I've slept thru a few... SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:58:28 1997 IST):
EVERYONE: Thank you for your very provocative questions. And your
patience. Nice to have talked to you, I am sorry for those to
whom I could not respond. May be next time. Good bye. SHEKHAR DATTA (Tue Mar 18 20:59:24 1997 IST):
EVERYONE: Thank you for your very provocative questions. And your
patience. Nice to have talked to you, I am sorry for those to
whom I could not respond. May be next time. Good bye. CEI mog! (Tue Mar 18 21:00:33 1997 IST):
Mr. Datta, questions were not provocative. they were more like
hard facts. Enjoy. Come back again, but for a longer session...say?
REDIFF ON THE NET (Tue Mar 18 21:01:09 1997 IST): Thanks Mr Datta. Hope you really enjoyed your chat session.