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February 9, 1998


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A touch of dash

Venkatesh. Click for bigger pic!
Long ago, when all the Telugu actors relied tough jaws, dago haircuts and jaunty airs to see themselves succeed, Venkatesh decided that he'd had enough of it and that, henceforth, he'd prefer be more actor than hunk. The same realisation also struck his contemporaries, Nagarjuna and Chiranjeevi, but much, much later.

Venkatesh took to acting when he didn't do well in business, despite an MBA from the US. But when he decided to enter films - an easy enough job since dad is the famous producer D Rama Naidu - he found his situation akin to a fish in salubrious waters. Now he is one of the most sought-after heroes in the Telugu film industry with a fan following that swells with every film.

His first film was the successful Kaliyuga Pandavuluin 1985 and Venkatesh has not looked back since. Brahmaputrudu, Sundarkanda, Bobbili Raja and Dharma Chakram were some of the hits that followed.

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Last year, Venkatesh delivered his biggest success, Preminchukundam... Ra directed by newcomer Jayanth which ran for 100 days in more than 53 centres of Andhra Pradesh. Another film, Pellichesukundam also did very well. Up ahead lies the experimental Suryavamsham, directed by Bhimaneni. Excerpts from an interview with Ch Sushil Kumar:

Did having a film producer for a father help you gain a foothold in the industry?

I will not discount my father's role in giving shape to my career, but how far would I have gone if I did not have the talent?

You seem to be very business-like on shoots. Don't you enjoy what you are doing?

I may be an actor but I think I am more of a businessman. Acting is my business. I have to eke out my living by acting. I cannot just think of it as entertainment. If I don't concentrate on my work, I may not be able to give my best.

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You wanted to become a businessmen but ended up an actor. Despite that, haven't you ever become emotionally attached to your work?

As I said, I treat acting as my job. In any case, if you ask me the film industry is still the same. Nothing drastically different is happening. The roles are almost the same. The only difference is the faces.

I have enjoyed doing some good roles. Yes, I have got totally involved with my profession.

You proved your worth no sooner you entered the industry, and today you are at the top...

(Interrupting) I don't think I've achieved something already. Frankly, when I set out in the film industry, I did not want to become a showman or a superstar. Money is what I wanted to make.

You also seem to take a great many risks, considering how you've often injured yourself during shoots.

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I've been injured several times. Once I even broke my wrist. But these are professional hazards. I got injured during the making of Bobbili Raja. The film went on to become a success and I have not had to worry about mishaps since.

No hero would have dared to do the kind of role you did in Chanti. Why did you take the risk of changing the stereotype image of a hero? Would it not have affected your career badly?

I was advised against doing the role of a country bum in the film but I went ahead with it nevertheless. Why should I stick to a stereotype image? My decision, as my well-wishers realised, was right. I was received well by the audience in the different kind of role.

Many artistes usually come up with little preparation for the shoot? Do you think more work is necessary?

I make a conscious effort to do my best in front of the camera and not as a matter of routine. Even before I come on the sets, I get my role explained to me and get immersed in it. I rehearse my dialogues and come fully prepared for the shoots.

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Dharma Chakram a few years ago brought you a great deal of appreciation...

Yes, for the first time in my career I was appreciated by everyone. I played the role of an honest lawyer who opposes his guilty politician father. I enjoyed the role.

You work with so many heroines. Do you get the urge to get involved with any of them?

I would not be true to myself if I said there are no attractions. I am always conscious of the fact that acting is my work and that's what I have to concentrate on. At the end of the day, I go home and relax. I make an effort never to get involved with my co-stars. So far, I've succeeded.

After giving so many hits, would you say acting is easy?

Each role is demanding in its own way. After every film I try to give a better performance in my next film. I cannot rest on my laurels.

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