'Papa, I love you...'


June 16, 2009 16:41 IST

Father's Day is on June 21, and we asked readers to send in their special messages for their fathers. In response, we have been flooded with touching, sentimental messages that celebrate fatherhood. Here are some of the messages we received:


I really love you a lot. You have always taught me good things in life and supported me in every step. You have also given me a lot of inspiration in whatever I do. I know I cannot repay by doing anything for you that but I really wish that I always make you proud. Please forgive me for any mistakes. Love you.

-- Aseem Anand



If I start writing all the things about my Dad, I think I'll miss this Father's Day because all the things I want to tell him and want to thank him are uncountable. I would like to thank my Papa with a poem. One thing I would really like to thank him is that it is because of him that I'm something today. He is the one because of whom even in our bad times no one was able to point a finger at us. Just want to thank you papa and I Love you.

PaPa, I Love You..

Walk a little slower, PaPa,
Said a little child so small.
I'm following in your footsteps
And I don't want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they are hard to see;
So, walk a little slower, Papa,
For you are leading me.
Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who'll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So walk a little slower, PaPa,
For I must follow you.
Did I ever say thanks
for all the toys you mended,
games we played,
outings to the park,
and the way you
always tried to cheer
me when I was down?
Did I ever say thanks for
the sacrifices you made
so I could be involved
in so many enriching
Did I ever say thanks for
working so hard
to provide for our family?
Did I ever say thanks
for having such faith in me
and always being there
when I needed you?
Most of all,
Did I ever say thanks for caring?
So today I thank you from the bottom
of my heart
As I always say and will always do,

Papa, I LOVE YOU...

-- Kunal Chaturvedi

Well I can tell you a zillion things that my dad has done for us (my mom, my younger brother and myself) he is just amazing !!! I some times wonder how could a man be so selfless and so loving and so giving... how can he manage to do that... putting himself under so much of pressure and pain but yet always ready to do anything and everything to keep his family happy...I am not going to give you all the stories for the simple reason I can't differentiate or rate one sacrifice over another. However, I can simply say that he is the "BEST DAD IN THE WORLD" and "WE LOVE HIM".

-- Suman Arunagiri

Hey Appa,
Love u so much! No matter how far I am from u, my love for u keeps increasing every day. It's so hard to find a man that can love me like only you can! I appreciate everything you did for me till today. I take this opportunity to say Sorry for the things, words or actions that I made by mistake to you. I feel I am the luckiest person in this world because I've  got such a great and loving father.

Happy Father's day!

Thanks dad!
Ur loving daughter,

-- Ramya Venugopal

If ever I had to thank God, I would do so because he has blessed me with a dad like you. You were there beside me at every step. Lived, smiled and cried with me. Felt me, taught me and made me what I am today. Today you are no more there with me, but I can still feel you presence everywhere and in every step I take. You still hold my hand, guide me, teach me, cry with me smile with me and live with me. I know I can never falter because you are always there...

Love you PAPA!

Your loving son,

-- Avishek Saha

Hi Dad,

I know you will never read this message as u hate internet! Still I want to say Thanks for all the things you have given me! I just feel proud to have a father like you especially in the time when I was completely Low and down! You gave me the strength when I feel to end this life. Today I am one of the happiest persons in this world just because of your support and sacrifices. I promise I will never do anything wrong that will hurt you. You were and will be my hero in this life! Thanks for all the stuff!

With infinite Love and respect!

-- Mohan Krishna

If you would like to share your messages, memories, photographs and videos write in to getahead@rediff.co.in with the subject line 'Dads' and make this Father's Day one your dad will long remember.

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