Aerobics are an easy, fun way to get fit. Here's an outline of what's in it for you.
In a normal 24 hour period, investing 30 minutes in exercise and body toning isn't too much to ask. True, we're all in a hurry to get the kids to school, get to work on time, finish projects, get home and cook dinner and the rest of it. But what amount of time do we set aside for our bodies, that help us perform all these marvelous, multiple tasks? Not much, you say? Well, then, its time to change things for the better.
How aerobic exercise helps the body
Let's take a look and see what happens to the human body when it indulges in aerobics.
During any form of aerobic exercise, we use the large muscles of our hands, legs, hips and other muscles. The quick movements and jumping, along with side-to-side motion cause the heart to pump blood faster to the body. In addition to this, the lungs take in a lot more oxygen, which aids the circulation of blood to even the tiniest capillaries which open up wide. This way your body gets energised faster. It also helps the bloodstream carry toxins out of your body faster than normal. The body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. These endorphins flow throughout the body, through the blood stream and hence, make you 'feel better'.
The first step to starting any form of aerobic exercise is to consult your doctor. He or she will be the best person to assess your present condition and tell you how and when to start what type of exercise. If you're overweight, the doctor may suggest a mild form of aerobics, the absolute basic. If your weight is proportionate to your height, the doc will check other vital body functions before recommending moderate to intense aerobic exercises. Whatever be your age, weight and frame of mind, do not take up aerobics before consulting your physician.
What regular aerobic exercise can do for you
If you're looking for some reasons why you should begin aerobic exercise, here's a small list to begin with:
Don't wait any longer. Don't worry about how heavy you are. Hurry, ask your doctor and get started! The sooner you begin, the sooner you will reap the benefits of just 30 minutes of jumping around!