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Vote! Most stylish celebrity moms

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

They may be on the kiddie bandwagon, but these mothers are among the most stylish women in the world!

In a poll conducted by website, 50 international female celebs were pitted against each other on the basis of their parenting skills, style statements and more. And here are the top 10 most fashionable mammas, according to the results. Do you agree with the findings? Take the poll at the bottom of each page and let us know!

1. Gwen Stefani

It's no suprise that this punk rock princess emerged as the undisputed winner in the fashion department. In addition to her success as a musician, Stefani is also a successful designer and other celebrities have often been spotted wearing creations from her label. Her own sense of dressing is eclectic, with her distinctive look being imitated by young women across the globe.

One thing that can't be imitated, though, is her rock-hard abs, which show no signs of disappearing even after two sons, aged three and one. Stefani is one rocking mom!

2. Nicole Richie

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

From giddy-headed socialite and reality television star to the epitome of young motherhood, Nicole Richie sure has come a long way. Mother to a five-year-old daughter and five-month-old son, she's the eitome of boho chic and has channelled her taste in clothing into two fashion lines.

And for young mothers struggling with their weight, here's a tip from Richie, who was down to her pre-pregnancy weight within two weeks of having both kids -- breastfeeding and eating bland foods helps retain your figure!

3. Sarah Jessica-Parker

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

There was never any doubt that the Sex and the City actress has impeccable taste in clothes, and her wardrobe in the romantic comedy series became something of an obsession with young women across the globe.

At 45, Parker is a mother to three children -- a seven-year-old son and twin nine-month-old daughters borne by a surrogate mother. And yes, she launched a fashion line too, in addition to a host of her own fragrances.

4. Jennifer Lopez

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

The preternaturally sizzling JLo packed on gained 50 pounds when she was pregnant with her now two-year-old twins back in 2008. But to look at her now, you'd never know her bootylicious figure had been through so much -- she's in top shape!

As for her sense of style, her red carpet appearances have made headlines over the years. Actress, singer, fashion designer, television producer, restaurateur -- Lopez is a brand in herself and nothing short of a tycooness. You can be sure that what she steps out in today will be all the rage tomorrow!

5. Heidi Klum

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

Yup, it's true. Some women only have to fall out of bed and they look beautiful. In German supermodel Klum's case, she's been back on the runway as little as six weeks after the birth of a child -- and she has four of them!

Comfortable with her body, Klum's confidence has always shone through in the way she dresses. If the 5'9" looker were to wear a potato sack, it would look great on her, but fortunately, she has great taste and has heads turning wherever she goes.

6. Halle Berry

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

This former Bond girl's two-year-old tot looks like she's inherited her mamma's smashing good looks.

One of the most beautiful women in the world, Berry was voted Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire Magazine in 2008, eight months after giving birth. She was 42 then -- and if you see her post-baby bod now, you still wouldn't believe it! Add to that her classy clothing and you have a winner.

7. Kate Hudson

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

With a mother as pretty as Goldie Hawn, it's hardly surprising that Kate Hudson radiates much of her impish charm. Mother to a six-year-old son herself, she's always gone the unconventional route when it comes to her wardrobe and we don't mean in the Lady Gaga way.

Hudson's sense of fashion is feminine, unique and nymph-like -- she chooses outfits that highlight her assets to perfection. If only we could get it down pat like that!

8. Gwyneth Paltrow

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

She stepped back from her acting career after having two children, but Paltrow is still every inch the Hollywood superstar. While she is known to practice yoga regularly and follows a macrobiotic diet, she's still a woman's woman and candidly admitted to having acquired cellulite on her thighs post-pregnancy, in a world where celebrities are supposed to do whatever it takes to look perfect.

With a statuesque frame, legs that just won't quit and gleaming blonde hair, Paltrow is one hot mamma -- and the she sure dresses the part!

9. Michelle Obama

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

The First Lady of the US has made as much of a splash in the fashion world as her husband has in politics. With her penchant for pastel cardigans, strings of pearls and elegant evening gowns, it's no suprise that Michelle Obama makes it to Number Nine on the list of most stylish moms. It's easy to see that she's a devoted mother to her two daughters, and manages to look impeccable each time she makes a public appearance. Talk about striking the perfect balance!

10. Victoria Beckham

Last updated on: April 6, 2010 18:52 IST

You may poke fun at her stick-thin figure, her stony expression and her vertiginous stilettos, but you can't deny that the erstwhile Posh Spice is quite a fashionista and a devoted mother.

She's making the news constantly mainly thanks to what she has on and her fashion designing skills are beginning to grow on people. So kudos to Mrs Beckham for managing to launch her successful clothing label dVb, looking after three young boys and playing the doting wife to hubby David all at the same time. How she manages to pull it all off with not a hair out of place is, quite frankly, beyond us!