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Vegetarian? Here's how to eat right

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Assorted grain is rich in sulfur-containing amino acids

You may have cut all the meat out of your diet, but don't cut down on the nutrients you need in the bargain.

It is possible to have a fully balanced diet that is entirely vegetarian, if you work it right. All you need to do is eat smart to make your meals as complete as possible.

If you consider a meal of potatoes and rotis or rice and dal as staple vegetarian fare, then you could be getting seriously short-changed on some key nutrients. With such a diet, you will not be getting the required intake of protein, calcium, iron, zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acids.

Balance your proteins

Plant foods offer incomplete protein as they tend to be deficient in one or other essential amino acids (protein is made of building blocks called amino acids and our body needs nine of these from food). But this problem can be managed easily by being careful about both the kind and amount of protein being eaten.

How to:

Have more iron

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Dried fruit is an easy source of iron

The best sources of iron tend to be non-vegetarian (liver, egg, sardines etc). Iron from plant foods (nonheme) is not absorbed as well as iron from meats (heme), so it is important for vegetarians to eat more iron-rich foods to meet their requirements. Vegetarian iron sources include beans, leafy green vegetables, banana, brown rice, sprouts, seeds (sesame, sunflower and pumpkin), mushrooms and iron-fortified grain products.

How to:

Bone up on calcium

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Tofu in your diet will ensure adequate calcium and Vitamin D

Dairy products are an excellent source but vegetarians who do not consume milk or milk products (vegans) need to get calcium from other sources. Try soy milk and orange juice fortified with calcium; other good sources include seeds (sunflower, sesame etc), nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews), fruit (banana, custard apple) and green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, turnip greens).

How to:

Get enough zinc

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Zinc intake can be ensured by consuming pumpkin seeds

Zinc from plant foods is poorly absorbed, so it is important for vegetarians to get enough zinc. Good sources of zinc include leavened whole grains (such as whole-wheat bread), legumes (beans and lentils), soy foods and dairy products.

How to:

Optimise Vitamin B intake

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Leafy green vegetables are a good bet for Vitamin B12

For this, it is important to go strong on grains. Vitamin B12 (found mostly in foods from animal sources, such as milk, eggs, and meat) and B2 are often a bigger problem. So look for foods fortified with Vitamin B12 (such as fortified soy milk) or take a B12 supplement. Good sources of B12 (riboflavin) are whole grains, wheat germ, mushrooms, almonds and leafy green vegetables.

How to:

The D factor

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
Drink soy milk for Vitamin D

Vegetarians who don't get adequate sunlight and don't consume enough milk or milk products may not get enough Vitamin D.

How to:

The power of seaweed

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
A salted seaweed dish, rich in a host of minerals

Incorporate (and develop a taste for) seaweed in your diet. These super foods -- with names such as alaria, dulse, kelp, nori, spirulina and agar -- are good sources of minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron and chromium, as well as vitamins A, C, E and many of the Bs. So add them to the salads, saute with vegetables or simply crumble them in soups (look for them in Korean and Japanese specialty shops).

Are you a vegan?

Last updated on: June 8, 2010 14:20 IST
A raw vegan lunch

Vegans are stricter than the average vegetarian. Besides animal foods like meat and eggs, they also eliminate from their diet foods which come from animals such as dairy products (so even milk, paneer and cheese are out), as well as processed foods containing these or other animal-derived ingredients such as gelatin; some even give up honey. This group should be extra careful about its calcium and vitamin B12 intake.

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