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At 15, she was already walking the ramp

Last updated on: May 24, 2010 16:17 IST

Image: Ashika Pratt

Ashika Pratt was all but 15 when the modelling world chose her. She walked the ramp, did a television commercial for a New Zealand-based clothing chain and before she knew it, was a professional model.

Half-Indian and half-New Zealander, Pratt has been in India for some time now and was one of the Kingfisher Calendar girls this year. She was also featured recently on the cover of Vogue. Needless to say, there hasn't been any turning back for this bikini beauty.

How did you get into modelling?

I was spotted just walking down the street in Auckland by a pageant scout when I was 15. I ended up doing the pageant and realising it wasn't my thing. But I met the owner of my agency in New Zealand through the same people and it started from there.

What was your first ever pay-package like and at what age did you bring home your first salary?

My first job was a television commercial for a New Zealand clothing chain called Glassons when I was 15. I don't remember how much I was paid, but I was very happy with the amount. It was a lot more than my friends at school were getting for their part-time jobs.

'There are no set rules in the fashion biz'

What are the golden rules of the fashion business in India?

I'm still figuring them out myself. But the reason why you get turned down for something may be the reason why you get something else. There are no set rules. I don't think, I just relax and keep trying. If it's meant to happen it will.

How do you maintain your looks?

Try to keep active and eat well

What is your diet like? Give us diet tips you follow.

I don't have a set routine for my diet but a few simple tips I can give that work for me are to:

  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • Get good sleep every night.
  • And if u have a sweet tooth like me, try staying away from them.

What is your workout regime like?

I don't have much time for a workout regime, but when I have a bit of time I do my stomach exercises and I like to run.

'Without sounding cheesy, I want to do something where I am helping people'

What is your personal sense of style like? Do you have advice and tips you'd like to share with readers on how to stay and look beautiful?

I like to dress casual. I keep things simple and add colour and style more with my accessories. If I'm wearing something plain, I'll add on a funky neckpiece or a bunch of bangles. I think understated is always better. Advice on how to look beautiful? Add a smile.

Have you ever suffered any embarrassing at-work moments? How did you deal with it?

All the time. I've tripped on the ramp, got caught in a long dress and struggled in shoes too big for me. Things like this happen and you just have to get over it and laugh at yourself. Usually it is forgotten about in a few days.

If you could work a regular job, what would you want it to be and why?

Right now I'm interested in sociology and looking at courses for next year. But I keep changing. Without sounding cheesy, I want to do something where I am helping people.

'Cup noodles are my speciality!'

What is your passion in life?

To enjoy myself and have as many experiences as I can.

What career advice would you like to give youngsters? And particularly, what tips would you give those who are looking to get into the glamour industry?

Career advice, you can do whatever you want, if you want it enough. And as for the modelling industry, you just need to get your face out there and keep trying, because it won't happen overnight.

Any mundane chores you perform in your spare time? Do you enjoy them? And which ones put you off?

I don't like doing any chores, but they have to be done. I guess my worst would be hanging up washing. Maybe I'll invent a washing machine that hangs up the clothes after they are washed. That could even be my next career!

Do you cook? If so, what's your specialty?

Not at all. Cup noodles?!?

What's your phobia?

Big, scary dogs!

Quick take

Your favourite cuisine: Thai food, papaya salad

Your favourite drink: Peach iced tea

You love hanging out at: Home, on my couch watching (TV series) Gossip Girl.

What's the most frequently played song on your iPod? Anything by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Best movie of all time: Grandma's Boy

Favourite book: Twilight. It's lame, but I loved it.

Preferred travel destination: New Zealand, because it's home.

Makeup you can't live without: Chanel blush

Your biggest indulgence: Chocolate

Your biggest challenge: Being away from loved ones.

Your idea of a perfect day: Waking up in my apartment in Mumbai at 10 am and spending the day with my friends

Your passion: Laughing

Things that turn you on in a man: Confidence, a sense of self, someone who knows who he is.

Biggest turn-offs: Arrogance

You can't leave home without: Keys, got to get back in!

In your spare time, what do you best enjoy doing? Relaxing, watching movies, catching up with friends and family.

Your future plans: Travel