What: The School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, invites applications for its two-year full time AICTE approved residential MBA Programme.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 percent.
Selection method
~ You will be shortlisted on the basis of your CAT score.
~ Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview.
Important dates
~ Application forms will be available from October 4.
~ Please send your request for application form by post before November 20.
~ Issue of forms at the university ends: November 25
~ Please send in your completed application form before November 25.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form from the Deputy Registrar against cash payment of Rs 600.
~ Or, by sending a request, along with a self-addressed slip and a demand draft of Rs 650, drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Hyderabad payable at State Bank of India, HU Campus Branch (Code No 5916), Hyderabad or Andhra Bank, Nampally Branch (Code No 378), Hyderabad.
~ Or, download the application form by visiting, https://www.uohyd.ernet.in/.
School of Management Studies
University of Hyderabad
PO Central University
Hyderabad -- 500 046
Phone: (040) 23011091
e-mail: vvrms@uohyd.ernet.in
Web site: www.uohyd.ernet.in