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Exclusive: Talk to Krushnaa Patil
The second youngest Indian girl to conquer Mount Everest
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Krushnaa Patil

What does it take to become the second youngest Indian girl to climb Mount Everest at 19?

How does life look like from atop the highest peak in the world? What was she feeling when she was within kissing distance of the Everest?

Exclusive: Krushnaa Patil on top of Everest!

What were the challenges -- financial, mental and physical -- she faced to achieve this feat? How has life changed ever since she returned?

What advice does she have to offer youngsters? What does it take to become an achiever?

Chat live with Krushnaa Patil, the second youngest Indian girl, who at 19 conquered the highest peak in the world, on Thursday, June 11 at 1.30 pm on her feats, milestones and achievements in life exclusively on

About Krushnaa Patil
Krushnaa Patil is the second youngest Indian girl to scale Mount Everest on May 21, 2009. She also set a record in October last year when at 18, she became the youngest Indian to scale the Satopanth Peak in Uttarakhand. She wants to become a professional dancer and choreographer

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