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In Phizo's footsteps
The real problem, says Kuldip Nayar, is whether the government is willing to modify its stand that a strong Centre is the answer to local or regional aspirations for identity?



November 26, 2002 |



Licence to kill
'The State can frame as many laws as it requires for fighting terrorism. But it has to stay within the limits of the law. It can't become a law unto itself. No governance is worth a dime if human rights are not an integral part of it.'


September 21, 2002 |



The mirage of consensus
'Democracy does not mean a free play of ideas that fundamentalists and casteists disseminate. Political parties have to think how to put a stop to it if the content of democracy is to be saved.'


August 9, 2002 |



The trial of Mountbatten
'The purpose is not to apportion blame to the last Viceroy for India's division but to delineate his role in the murder of more than 10 lakh people.'


April 18, 2002 |



BJP's castles in the air
'The BJP will rue the day when it made Narendra Modi, an RSS pracharak, chief minister. Gujarat has aroused all forces that want the country to stay pluralistic and democratic.'


March 21, 2002 |



After Gujarat, what?
'Muslim jihadis have destroyed Pakistan and thrust the army upon the country's back. Hindutva jihadis are out to install in India a theocratic state.'


January 3, 2002 |



India's blind spot
'We are sulking because Washington seems to prefer Islamabad, instead of worrying about the possibility that America will continue to maintain a strong presence in South Asia.'
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