Share your most bizarre New Year's Eve moments!


Last updated on: December 30, 2009 14:00 IST

It must've been 2001 perhaps. My friend and I were at Marine Drive soaking in the celebrations on Mumbai's most famous waterfront. It was one big party and everyone was invited. Just as the clock struck midnight, the friend started digging into his bag and pulled out one of his college textbooks. I looked at him with some amount of scepticism as he flipped pages and very judiciously started reading. Somewhat confused, I asked what he was doing. His reply: "My mother told me that whatever I do at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve will be what I'll be doing all through the year. So I'm studying."

Another bloke spent the last few moments of 1999 thinking that it'll be the last he'll see of his computer. Needless to say the computer never crashed. But minutes after midnight the fellow did. He went off too bed because he'd had far too many late nights before that one fretting over his poor machine.

And then there was the guy who invited a whole lot of his friends over to his house for a party and completely forgot about it. Our hero went about partying as his guests waited outside his closed door for some time before heading to the nearest watering hole (There weren't any mobile phones then). Sure enough the guy got it as good as he gave the next morning.

Tell us the most bizarre things you or your friends have done on New Year's Eve.

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