Television actress of Seven fame Shama Sikander shared her fitness and diet secrets with rediff readers in a live chat yesterday.
For those of you who missed it, here's the transcript; you can also read her complete interview by clicking here:
Shama Sikander says, Hello lovers how you doin?
red asked, hey wats ur fitness & diet regime?
Shama Sikander answers, i do spinning, weight training and kick boxing every alternate days. i eat right avoid fattening stuff, junk food and have healthy tasty food
simran asked, hi shama, why do women gain weight after marriage? Im married for 6 months now.. i used to weigh 55kgs before marriage n now within 6 months i have gained 5 kgs. Plz advice me how to loose these extra kilos....
Shama Sikander answers, stop eating what your hubby offers! hahahah
red asked, y r u missing in small & big screen now a days??
Shama Sikander answers, well i am not missing from the small screen. i am doing a show called SEVEN on Sony Entertainment television. on the big screen there wasnt anything very interesting so far. but now i have signed two films that will go on the floors soon
tatto asked, how can i loose weight?i have gained some extra pounds how to get rid of it
Shama Sikander answers, consult a good dietician. get the right kinda diet. do brisk walking every day for an hour.
Chanter asked, Hi how to gain weight? m too slim..
Shama Sikander answers, have a lot of banana milk shakes.
Nilesh asked, Hi shama, Could you tell me what sort of excercises you do for your smile? I really like your smile a lot...
Shama Sikander answers, haha. i guess i smile a lot. it comes naturally.
Harsh asked, Shama u look very very beautiful and have a wonderfully fit body !!! Can u please tell me Which was the movie u have acted in and which r ur forthcoming movies ??? Thanks .
Shama Sikander answers, thank you very much. i have acted in a movie called dhoom dhadaka. and my forthcoming movies are yet to be titled because they are in the scripting stages
red asked, REDIFF kindly let us knw the chat is on/off/delayed
Shama Sikander answers, hey sorry we are all in the middle of a forest. and the rediff guys were trying to look for me. but we are all online now. so you can shoot your questions
vinod asked, Hi Anyone can tell me how can I reduce my tummy?
Shama Sikander answers, do a lot of crunches. walk every day for about an hour at least. and eat right.
suppandi asked, atleast 3-4 hrs i do go to gym and eat lot of food with fibers - then too unable to reduce weight. Can you please suggest some tips to keep fit
Shama Sikander answers, it is very wrong to be in the gym for three to four hours. you need a max hour long workout but it should be the right kind of workout. and eat right amount of proteins and carbs as well as fibre. ask your trainer what exercise suits you best and dont waste your time on anything else
hjj456 asked, Hahaha! NO, I wanted to ask her how she maitnains such a toned body, I mean I also go to gym and work out and I think I have a decent body, but want to get it more perfectly into shape! Any answers?!
Shama Sikander answers, if you really want a perfect body you have to sacrifice every fattening thing. measure everything before eating and just do proper exercise you will be fit
neha asked, hi shama , i wanna know your routine early from the morning till u go to sleep including ur diet in between
Shama Sikander answers, i wake up at whatever time i'm required to wake up. then i have two glasses of luke warm water with a little lime in it. then i go for my walk, which is for an hour or my kickboxing or weight training depending on my schedule. after my workout, i have a bowl of museli or fruit. then i have some snacks in between -- some fruit or biscuits. then i have my lunch at 2 pm. snack again at 4.30 pm or a fruit. then around 6.30 7 i have another small meal -- could be a salad. and at night i have salad, soup or a lot of fruits.
sndeepak asked, what is the best fitness regimen
Shama Sikander answers, yoga, stretching and walking.
newwealth asked, Does intake of alcohol on weeknds effects your health...?
Shama Sikander answers, anything done in moderation is fine. avoid overdoing anything... alcohol or otherwise
sadaf asked, Hi, need to know what foods to really avoid
Shama Sikander answers, junk food, pizzas, burgers, too much oil -- go for olive oil, ice creams, sweets, have fruits or dates if you feel like having sweets (that also not too much).
shiva asked, Shama do u think ur sexy ?
Shama Sikander answers, yes. i think i am.
Chanter asked, Hi Shama.. how r u doin? I used to atch your serial.. U hav developed a lot from there.. wats d difference u made.. diet or workout?
Shama Sikander answers, i am fine thank you. a lot of difference actually. earlier i used to only run because i was very thin and my character didnt require me to be anything more. but now for SEVEN i was supposed to look fit and strong at the same time. so i had to change my diet, workout... everything. so from just running i have moved on to kickboxing, yoga, spinning and weight training. kickboxing helps me to be mentally and physically strong. weight training tones my body. yoga keeps me calm and gives me spiritual strength. stretching of course makes me flexible.
Austin asked, Hi howz u dng...need some tips to reduce weight
Shama Sikander answers, If you love dancing, dance a lot. it is one of the best exercises anyone can do. if you like to listen to music, put your iPod on and walk for an hour at least. eat right and healthy
ggg asked, Don't u think that your looks always have a lot to do with good genes? I mean, your hair, skin, height etc? I don't have those natural endowments, how do I manage to look good?
Shama Sikander answers, yes of course i have to thank my parents because they are good looking people. good looks enhance when you feel good from inside. think you are beautiful, feel beautiful you will start looking beautiful. everyone is born beautiful.
sikander asked, hi shama, does having lemon water with honey daily help in reducing weight. Any suggestion on how to stop eating unnecessarily between meals. thanks in advance
Shama Sikander answers, it depends. if your body works in a particular way. lemon water surely helps to keep your system clean and gives you good skin. stop thinking of food. do something else. if you have the urge to eat something eat fruits or salad. these days you get a lot of diet food. try some of that instead of having something unhealthy
sannu asked, hi Shama.. Am regular to gym since 1 year. I have lost 3 kg during this time. My weight is now 49.5 kg my height is 5.1. I find it very difficult to loose those extra pounds. I eat every 2-3 hr ( try my best but cheat sumtimes ). I also want to loose my love handles, and am fine over all i guess. Can you suggest some Diet or Exercise? My profession doesnt allow me to take up any fitness or sports... :( I do yoga sometimes and have green tea as well.. :( I want to weight 45 kg ( 49.5 present )and waist of bout 24-25 ( 26.5 present )inch.
Shama Sikander answers, i think your weight is fine according to your height. but if you want to lose some more i guess you have to -- as you said -- stop cheating :-P and of course be committed to your goal. and be more regular with yoga and stretching -- that will help you get rid of the love handles.
indian asked, can everyone gain 6 packs. does it depend on genes, can we overcome genes to get 6 packs?
Shama Sikander answers, everyone has six packs. you just have to work on it. it requires a lot of commitment. but you are born with it. it is nothing. just a layer of fat on your body. if you dont have fat you will see those six packs :-)
YuvaraajP asked, Hi, I do gym regularly almost 2 years but i don't gain any museles, should i go for any protein poweder and diet to increase
Shama Sikander answers, i would suggest you ask your trainer. because s/he will be able to tell you better and also since i havent seen you
saumya asked, After pregnancy(operation) to get in shape just tell in few words complete diet morning to night and exercise to get in shape
Shama Sikander answers, erm... i have no idea because i have never been pregnant ! :-)
sf1979@rediffmail.com asked, Hi Shama.... I go swimming thrice a week first thing in the morn for around 2 - 3 hrs..... but i cant seem to eat anything before dat as i feel a lot like puking! I have Glucon D before swimming and by the time i finish swimming i'm very hungry and have my breakfast comprising oats / chapati / coffee etc! Pls advise if i'm doing the right thing
Shama Sikander answers, yeah i guess it is.
sai asked, how i can loose my weight
Shama Sikander answers, eat right. and scroll down and check some of the responses :-P
rinky asked, i have thyroid problem becoz of this i gain too much weight i wanted to know how i can loose my weight from arm and tummy area to look better
Shama Sikander answers, consult your doc because its a problem i cant resolve. ask your doc what you can avoid and cannot.
barath asked, Shama, what would you call a healthy diet ? Should we avoid fatty foods ?
Shama Sikander answers, yes you should avoid fatty foods. healthy diet means a mixture of proteins, carbs, fibres and flavour of course. it definitely does not mean staying hungry.
dinesh asked, hi shama how you maintain your fitness give some tips to us
Shama Sikander answers, check out this link. copy paste it on your browser: https://getahead.rediff.com/slide-show/2010/mar/29/slide-show-1-glamour-shama-sikanders-fitness-secrets.htm
Raghu asked, Hi, I have interest joining a GYM and go regularly. But I am unable to wake up in the morning hours...Any suggestion ?
Shama Sikander answers, you can go in the evening! simple
harish asked, tell me about how can increase body stemena
Shama Sikander answers, eat right. brisk walking. and good sleep
hemant asked, my height is 5.4, weight is 50 kg, i want to cincrease my weight , so wat should i do, age is 21?
Shama Sikander answers, i think you weigh just right. why do you want to increase it?
ganesh asked, How effective is Crash diet in loosing weight?
Shama Sikander answers, it is effective but the effect is short term -- it won't last for a long time
RajeevR asked, Hi Shama...I continuously work on computer for 10-12 hours, how should I keep my spine and shoulders fit as it sort of give me problem every now and then
Shama Sikander answers, do a lot of shoulder and back exercises. if you go to the gym the trainer will show you how to do it. try and sit in the correct posture.
Shama Sikander says, thank you all very much. it was lovely speaking with you. stay fit and keep smiling!