The benefits of exercise are numerous, so stop procrastinating and hit the gym -- here's how!
Exercise, like any other hard work you do, needs motivation and in some people's cases more than others. There have to be things we can do to keep the focus and remain interested in exercising.
The other thing about motivation is you usually find it only when you really look for it. Starting a fresh, energetic and healthier standard of living is something you do for yourself, like making an investment in the future that will ensure first, that you live to see your older years and secondly that in the years ahead, you spend them actively doing what you like.
Here are ten things to get you motivated to exercise:
The benefits: Talk to anyone in the fitness industry and you'll get the same answers -- the benefits to your body when you exercise are innumerable. It's human nature to want to do things from which you get rewards/benefits. Staying away from life stylediseases like diabetes or just losing weight -- these are the plus sides of exercising!
Keep a diary: Keep a record of how much you work out in a week and see how it makes a difference to your energy levels. If you feel bold enough see how much weight you lose or how many muscles you tone up every month! This will keep you motivated.
Reward hard work: At the end of the week or month reward yourself, be it in the form of a holiday or even a day out; you deserve it and when you genuinely work out, it's natural to look forward to that promised end!
Stay goal-oriented: Set yourself some goals but be realistic, so if the results are slow you don't get disappointed. But every time you achieve your goals, it gives you more reason to challenge yourself further.
Dress the part: It's very important to dress the right way to feel like you're doing your part. If you dress sloppily then you'll feel sloppy too. So perk up your dress sense, whether it's for a jog in the park or even going to the gym.
Time yourself: If you have an hour to exercise, give yourself a target. If running, say you'll cover 'x' amount of kilometres and if you're at the gym then tell yourself you simply must burn 'x' amount of calories. As and when you start achieving your targets, it'll get you motivated to do better.
Endorphins: These are feel-good hormones that get released in our bodies when we exercise -- they make one feel upbeat and happy. So go get those endorphins out!
Vanity: Who doesn't want to look good? People who are overweight can lose the extra flab and feel great and people who are already in their weight category can stay fit by keeping the exercise routine going.
Have fun: It's important to choose work outs that let you have fun, along with the health benefits. This keeps you going and has you looking forward to the next day.
Rope in a friend: Sometimes having company while you work out can be a great motivation. Besides having moral support, your friend can help you stick to your aims and goals.
There are probably many more motivational factors out there, some general and some personal but what ever they may be, they all lead to the same common goal -- good health. It's a question of getting out there and just doing what our bodies were meant to do...be active!