Father's Day is on June 21, and we asked readers to send in their special messages for their fathers. We also asked dads to share photographs of their little darlings on Father's Day. In response, we have been flooded with touching, sentimental messages and photographs that celebrate fatherhood. Here are some of the messages we received:
We love you Papa.
I know I am very rude at times but my love for you is endless. I cannot survive in this world if I don't have your support and love. Papa you are never wrong, the only time you are wrong is when you think we forget you.
Love you tons Pops!
"Happy, Happy Father's Day!"
No one has a father so sweet.
Your kind ways just can't be beat.
Happy Happy Happy Father's Day;
I love you in a big big way!
Have a great Father's Day!
Lots of love
Thanks a God to give me a very precious gift in my life................ Yrs Father
Gaurav, Neha and Ekta
To my beloved son chirag & Aarti u both a very beautiful gift ever given by God to me U r more Precious as front of Diamond Also....I loved u very much with my heart and never feel that i am far away from u...I am always with u in yrs heart & u too...
I love u my sweets heart.........................
Abbu You are the BEST Father
On this father's day we want to tell you what a wonderful father you have been.
You have always kept our happiness above yours.
I have seen you in good times and bad, but have always felt a concern that your children are happy.
I have seen your eyes moistening when we cried.
Nothin seems impossible for you when it comes to happiness of your children. I today thank Almighty for choosing the best father for us.
We love you Abbu.
Shobi & Shonu
There are some moments that are priceless in my life
And, this picture with my DAD was just one of them
On the special occassion of Father's Day
I just want to say to him...that you rock DAD....
Dear Papa,
Aap ho sabse pyare,
Aap hain hamari jaan,
Aapko dekhte hi
Aye mere hoto pe Muskaan.
He could not afford big lavish vacations but was able to take us every where in south india. he worked all his years after retirement, the time when most of the Dad's stay at home and relax. My dad was busy struggling to meet the ends. All three of us were small to understand this. My sisters dropped out of college and started supporting the family. I continued my studies, he made sure I completed my dream. I finished my engineering. I managed ot get a job and asked him to stop working. He was working till he was almost 72, not just 1 or 2 hours but full 8 hours a day. Travelling through local trains would have definitely caused him a lot of pain but he never complained. I can now say he is relaxing and enjoying his life with his wife and grand children. I guess God has a different agenda for him and he met with an accident fracturing his bone. He struggled and fought through the pains. Thanks to my mother who was always by his side and supported him to fight through the tough times. He is now 80 years old. It was the happiest moment of my life to celebrate the Shatabhishekam i.e. 80th birthday. I felt happy that I could give something back to him. Though it is nothing when compared with all the love he gave us, I can now say that my dad was Great!!! I love him. I Love you Dad!!!
Dad!!what a small word for such a big meaning. same as God though small but very powerful. the man who lead his life as a simple human sacrificing all his happiness for our sake. we were three kids all born to him and our mother at a very late stage of his life. he had very few years for his retirement and we were still kids. he sacrificied by living alone at a remote place so that our education can be taken care in bombay. i remember i once was playing and had instruction not to go near the water tap in our yard. he saw me playing near tap and came running to hold me from falling. there was a lot of algae and the place was very slippery, he managed to save me and got himself hurt and broke his arm.
Hi Bauji/Dad!
I miss you and love you always. You were only the best Dad-special humble human being in the world. I know I can't see you personally in this life again but I feel your aura of presence in and around myself. I am really feeling proud found you as my father in my life. You taught me to love, care and emotion and gave strength to fight the bottlenecks coming in the way of life by hard work. I guess you did not have any other ambition. I learnt a lot from you and your hard work in your life, which inspired me to follow the same path. You always wanted to see your children well settled in life. I got everything in my life whatever and whenever I desired from you. You always loved and treated me as a friend whenver you felt so and advised me accordingly, no matter I felt good or not at that particular point of time, but now I realize that piece of advice was appropriate.
In my life I learnt from you that one must have character as you always emphasized on it. You never gave preference to money however you struggled much in life. You always thought about our happiness and I cannot forget all the moments of my life.
As I still feel your presence sometimes I wished if ever I come in this world again I should see you as my father always.
Dad wherever your soul is you are great. I pray God that your soul must rest in His lotus feet.
On this Father's Day its only kids who would want to wish their father but its time for every father to take an oath "to be a father better than what they had".
This is to my darling son Zidan Khan, I promise you my son that I will be a father that I never had. You will have many questions in life which you might never ask throughout till the time you grow up, but im sure all your questions will be answered once you become a better father than me.
Love you my son.
In picture: Son: Zidan Khan (15 months); Father: Zuber Khan
My daddy Rishi is the best. He calls me Bablos the Carlos.Though I am very very naughty he loves me and rache a lot.We are his little cubs and he loves to catch us tight and squeeze both of us together.We love him and scream with delight when he does all these naughty things to us.But when we are stubborn he puts us on the bed and warns us.He is pucca dangerous and we are scared of him but Daddy you are the best and we love u with all our heart.Though you call Rachael "Sweetu" I think you are the Sweetest God bless u.We love u
Rachael & Reece
I love my two children's awfully a lot, they both are loving us, both are very naughty, I wish them all the very best in their life, may GOD bless them with all success and habit of respecting to all elders, and spread love with young ones.
I want to give this message for my Dad.
Dear Daddy,
I love you loads! I know that no matter how much I try to express it, it will be very small compared to what you have given us till date! I just want to tell u that u r the most awesome dad in the world! And even though i argue so ferociously with you, my love for u will never ever decrease!!! You are the most amazing person i have ever met & I pray that God blesses you with good health & great spirit so that I can continue to tell you that you are the GREATEST DAD ever!!
Love you, Dad!
-- Your Laddooos
Satya , Suddu & Vaidehi
Radhika is my daughter of 3 years. She love me too much. I wish her all the very success in his life.
May God bless her.
Raju Pramanick
I have seen the touching father's day messages on rediff.com. Would like to include following message and attached pic in this section.
"Me and Raghav are the best of pals. Two of us shared a bonding which probably is stronger than mother-son bonding. I realized it during one of my travel, I was away from my family for about twenty days. Raghav was just of 6 months at that time. During my travel I falsely tried to convince myself that I am not missing him.
But feelings can't be convinced isn't it!! I broke down on one of the day, hearing from my wife that 6 months old baby, who was crying badly for none of the reason for over than 30 mins started smiling just after looking at my photograph.
This incident touched me so deeply, as such tears could not stop flowing out of my eyes. I love you Beta. God Bless !!"
Manish Asija
You're the best Papa
Love you lot's .
Amit Kapoor
This Fathers' Day is a very special one for me as I am celebrating it as a "complete" family man. My 4½ year old daughter Arya has recently got a little brother, Vignesh, and our days are filled with sweet dreams about their future.
I expect my children to be straight forward, loving & caring to all, particularly among themselves. I and my lovely wife Savita are little worried about the 'trends' seen in the new generation, including their behaviour, dressing & conduct.
We are, however, sure that our children will follow us in simplicity, uprightness & keeping up traditional values. As Arya grows (though she is only 4½), I am quite happy with her tastes & style, which exactly match with that of ours and our expectations.
She speaks good Malayalam at home (I am very particular at speaking mother-tongue & following mallu-traditon) while trying to pickup English & Hindi as well.
I wish she will keep up her simplicity & adjusting nature as she climbs the ladder of life.
Attached photographs of my daughter Arya & son Vignesh.
P. Muraleedharan
Hi Papa,
First, I want to wish happy fathers day to you.
My Papa means a lot to me. I cannot express my love to my Papa in words. In our culture we love our parrents but can't express to them. My father is very responsible and calm. He is like a friend, used to play with us and help us in every small problem. But when he is angry and loses his temper, we would get it nicely. It happened very rarely and I am the only one who got most from him.
He faced an infinite number of problems in his professional & personal life but he never made us feel like we were in any crisis and fulfilled every wish we had. He is like a god to me, not only because he is my father but he is an excellent human in his professional and social life too.He sacrificed a lot for us.
He is a government officer so we have many financial problems in starting. He happily got my sister married and spent his life savings on the her marriage and the educational expenditure of me, my brother and my sis.
Your Son
My Daughter with her Appa.
If you would like to share your photographs, messages, memories and videos write in to getahead@rediff.co.in with the subject line 'Dads' and make this Father's Day one your dad will long remember.