'Dad, I'm proud of you'


June 22, 2009 12:27 IST

We asked readers to send in their special messages for their fathers on Father's Day (June 21). In response, we have been flooded with touching, sentimental messages and photographs that celebrate fatherhood. Here we present the last instalment of the many loving, touching messages we received:


A day with my son

It's a joy with unknown bounds
To watch my toddler start his day,
Fully filled with energy abounds,
His antics, you name, are listless and gay...

Like an elephant, he would sway his head,
Shrinks up his eyes & screws up his nose,
Shrieks with joy seeing you ahead,
Pass a smile which sweeps the shows...

My day begins with his radiant smile,
As sunrays flows through my window blinds...
And well at times... Could be his naughty guile
To get on to you, for his sleep behind

Once he is up like the morning shine,
His little tale of antics begins.....
It stops a while at breakfast of mine,
When he sits on my lap and gives a grin...

He waits for you to give him his share
From your plate, don't care his treat...
Not that tasty, and he would stare
Off he goes on his naughty retreat...

Feeding him is an art unlearned
This sets you thinking, all the while.
For ideas and plays that is unturned,
To get him sit there and pass a while

The confidence with which he moves around
In and out of the house, with you on toe...
Pulling everything that he could pound
Which keeps you running with a tow?

The frenzy continues, till he feels tired...
When he looks around, for you to wrap...
To climb into your arms, most desired.
And take his short but sweet, soft nap

Soon the groggy eyelids open
Lighting into a beaming smile
Off he goes to his little den
And mischievous ways, to make you wild!

Bathing is not just fun for him
When he splashes all the water around
Sometimes makes you wonder around...
Isn't he having a better bath by himself?

Giving him lunch can be so taxing...
Since his energy then is at its peak...
Then you catch him fully relaxing
On his little tummy, with a squeak

Once he breaks his afternoon nap.
He keeps waiting till his dad is back...
To take him on his strolling gap...
To enjoy the sights from dad's back...

And the moment he knows that you are back...
He dons his childish, million dollar smile,
That gives the evening rays, a whack
And holds you back and pass a smile,

The tiredness of a hard day's work
Dissipated into his toothless grin
And makes me realize with a jerk
His evening stroll needs to begin

Anything after that has to wait
Until he has had it all straight
While he starts reciting his day to you
In his gibberish language that is great...

Television is his newest buddy
While adverts give us a short break
Sitting there like a cute teddy
That's his time, to watch the break

You can make him have his dinner
His little eyes stay glued to the ads...
And in this way, you are the winner
Because he nibbles away all his food

As the day's efforts closes to an end.
Fluttering eyelids becomes so heavy..,
He cries for you, to make you attend
And groove him into your caring arms...

Once he is snugly cradled in your arms,
He starts his lullaby...in duet with yours...
In tandem with the swing of your arms...
And slowly reaches the sleepy shores.

It's a heavenly feeling of your little one,
Warmly cocooned in your arms
His feet thrusted against your chest...
His little head resting in your arms...

And to see the way his eyelids closes...
And the little smile he gives. in between...
Totally surrendering himself to you,
With utmost confidence and trust in you...

Without a care in the whole world...
He lays there in his dreamy world
Thinking that his dad is there
To protect him from this bad world...

Believe me..It's all so divine
The feeling that I fully have
Holding his body close to mine
And watching my priceless possession in awe.

Thank you God!, For the best gift you gave...
For the wonderful moments that you shower
And all these makes me truly realize,
How wonderful Fatherhood is!!!

-- Penned by Aryan's proud father Uday

I am very much thankful to my father and mother for giving me and my sister such beautiful life. He tought us real values & how to be self sufficient.

Since his childhood he worked hard & with help of my mother they were able to build the lovely nest, our home.

I still remember, he used to drop us to school or at my grandmother's place on his bi-cycle. Even though father was in railways, because of our exams we never went on big trips.

They gave all the best possible things to us. Because of their hard work & sincere efforts today i am in this position.

Toddy i am also a father of one beautiful baby & with help of my PARENTS, WIFE i would like to give him good values. My father is like a coconut, hard from outside & very soft from inside.

It was a very painful moment when i came to kuwait & when he came to drop me at Airport, for that particular moment, i thought why i am going out, away from my parents, wife, child, sister & all relatives. I could not look him in the eyes at that particular moment.

Thanks for all your efforts.

-- Ratnakar Kadikar

Left & Right you both make us Bright

I and Lakshmi wish you both a bright future and we promise to give you all the best things in Life.

And for all the Homeless kids we pray to GOD to give you Health, Fighting Spirit and a Great Future.

I take this occassion to request rediff visitors to help them in any way you can.

-- Raghu, Lakshmi Addanki 

My Father has been a pillar of strength for me standing beside me during all my sorrows and happiness giving me lot of energy in my life. He cares more about my hapiness than himself in his life. In this very fathers day I wish to thank him for being a wonderful father an i want to tell him that he is the best dad ever!!!!!!!!!!

-- Hareesh Raja

First of all, I would like to thank God for being with me always thrughout my life in the form of my Papa. He has always been my strength and has given me the courage.

He has brough myself and my sister with financial hardships and inspite of all that he never let his morals down and always worked with honesty so that we as his children learn the lesson in our life.

Though, we share a lot of distance among each other and frankly,
I do not have enough courage to tell you that "Papa, I Love You".
I would like to put my heart behind these words and would like to say to say that Papa, I Love you.
I would lke to wish that God gives me enough strength and status that I can fulfil the dreams and aspirations of my father, mother and my family.

-- Your Son, Vikas

Dear Dad,

Wishing you a happy happy Father's day. You have been so much of a blessing to us all. You are a lovely dad and a wonderful grandfather. We love you and wish you long long long life. God bless.

P.S. I am so glad that Father's day falls on the 1st birthday of my baby boy (21st June). So I have attached a picture where my dad is holding my baby son.

Happy Father's day DADDY & Happy Birthday my SON.

With love,

-- Jerrickson Daniel

I read these heart touching lines...
God took the strength of a mountain,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The power of the eagle's  flight.
The joy of a morning in spring,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
the god combines these quality,
when there was nothing more to add,
he knew his masterpiece was complete, and so he called it...DADDY.
Happy Father's day
You are so special for me, i learnt a lot of things from you. You taught us so many things, sometimes we did mistakes but you forgive us on all our silly mistakes. Today whatever we are is just because of you. You and mummy ji comes before GOD.

I love you daddy ji.
-- Your loving daughter Aarti

Dad I love you.

You have made our life beautiful. You guided and mentored us. You always gave the best to us.

We miss you so much dad. After your demise, tears well my eyes as I write this, not a day goes without a fleeting moment thinking about you. You really made a difference to my life. You were our inspiration, I love you daddy.

If there is a re-birth, I pray to get you as my Dad once more.

-- Satish Singaram

Dear Dad,
I would like to take this opportuinity to Wish you Happy Father's day!! You are no more in this materialistic world but where ever you are I want to tell you that I love you the most and memories of the times we had and you are always our HERO.
The gap that you have left can never be fullfilled but I love you and will always miss you.

-- Sanket Parekh

Wishing you a Very Happy Father's day! You have always been my guide and inpiration. Inspite of being far from you I have always felt you are very close to me.. I always look forward for your calls and loving words..


-- MD Harish

Dear Papa,
I dont have enough words to explain you and your sacrifices for the entire family
Just Wanna say...Happy fathers day..
You and mumma are the greatest gifts ever god has presented me.

-- Rakesh Sharma

I love my dad soo much, he has always been inspirational and motivational to me!! I thank god for my lovely dad!!!

-- Sandhya S




My father just completed 75 years on this planet this month. We had a low key family celebration because I am superstitious about celebrating milestones. I abhor philosophy, superstitions and advice as long as they are not mine! But when it comes to my own people, well they are mine, right?

Very often, we complain about his forgetful nature. He tends to forget to press the flush button after using the toilet. He also forgets to inform my Mother when he goes out to the grocery store or to the temple. If we insist on him carrying the mobile phone, he takes the escape route of not being able to use it. He once forgot to answer a phone when it was ringing because he thought it was not for him! He was gone to a nearby store once and didn't return for two hours. When he came back, we were worried and angry and attacked him for not being responsible. To make matters worse, he has a problem with hearing. But he flatly refuses to use a hearing aid. He hays, he has absolutely no problem. Then I have retorted, "Well, the problem is for us!"

On occasions, I have asked him to be more attentive. In reply, I have heard him say, "I am not planning to forget all this". If my wife or mother ask him, he will simply brush them off saying, "I am not the only one who forgets things in this house". Often, we have ganged up against him and actually demanded "Alertness".

To move on to what he is; he is the one who locks the gate and our house from inside every single night at around 9:30 PM. He is fanatic about latching every door and windows at night. Every night before he retires, he checks if I have locked my car. He manages most of the day to day shopping while my wife takes care of larger shopping. Every night before going to bed, he tells a story to my ten year old daughter and she'll sleep only after the story session!

Last night, he came to me at around 9:00 PM and told he is feeling tired and wants to sleep early. He told, "Baby is watching television and hence no story session tonight. So I don't want to wait till 9:30 PM". I told him, "Carry on, I shall lock the gate and door. Everything will be taken care of. Good night". I went on with my work on the Computer. Then there was the T-20 World Cup Semi-Final between West-Indies and Srilanka. It was past 1:00 AM when I went to bed. And woke up at 8:00 AM. I go into slow-motion mode on most of the Saturday mornings till about 10:00 AM.

After my breakfast I was still lazing around when my mother came and whispered to me, "We have not told your father. But you forgot to lock the gate and the main door. Even the light in the porch was on. The gate was not even latched properly. Vidya was stunned to find all these things and she thought someone had actually broken into our house in the night". Imagine some robber were to find out this and actually broken in and done some serious harm! I am shivering at the mere thought of this. How could I?

Well, I salute you Father. At just a shade over half your age, I had jeopardized the security of our beloved home. You have done things that were due to age and nature. What I did was absolutely irresponsible. I shall be 'N' times more careful in future when I take up some responsibility and when I complain about your forgetfulness! For that matter I shall try to restrain myself whenever I criticize anyone in future.

Thanks for taking care of those small things in life that make us sleep well and remain safe in our cozy little home. Love you and this piece is my Father's Day Greeting to YOU!

 -- Govind Raj

Hi dear Pappa,

I am very proud and happy to be your son. I have always seen you as a role model and the best person who can set an example in my life. Thanks for being the shining light for me and our family.

We all love you and awesome days are ahead for all of us!!

-- Yours son, Atul Nimje

I love you my papa. Wishing u very happy father's day.

-- Majula Kelmani




My loving Papa..Sanjay,

Wish you a very happy father's Day!!!

You are the most loving father of this world. I respect you to the fullest. You teach us lot of new things. You are just everything for me. Cannot imagine my life without u the great...papa!!!

Your loving sons

-- Rahul and Parth


I love you very much and you are the best Daddy in the world. You are the one who has given me confidence to face and overcome tough things in life and become a strong person, you are the one who has taught me swimming holding me in your arms, cycling, playing computer games and of course you always act as a shield to save me from Mummy's phatkas. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY & lets have lot of fun !!

-- Nishu

My  Dearest Dad,

First of all Wish you a very Happy Father's Day.

Right when i entered into my teens, i started understanding your greatness & respecting you a lot, before that i was just scared of you and didn't think how great human being you are.

You have been my friend with whom i can share all my feelings. I always think where you get that energy and smile on your face all the time.

You are the greatest person i have ever met on this world in my life, because nobody can match your big heart, ever smiling face, energy, excitement &  person who completes any task he takes up at any cost.

I salute you for being such s wonderful person full of energy and cheerful all the time  spreads happiness wherever he goes by his smile.

May god give you same amount of energy and cheerfulness all the time.

You are my HERO of my life and i will always get inspiration from your life & your work.

Love you Dad

-- Sati

Dear Papa,
Hi, Happy Fathers Day.

This the right occassion to express my gratitude and love for you. I am happy and proud that I am your son and apple of your eye. I know you toil the whole day so that I can have all the comforts of life. I try my best to come upto your expectations. I promise you that one day you will be proud of me. May you scale the heights of success and I would be besides you chipping in whatever little I can do to the best of my ability.

-- Sahil Dewani

Dear Dad,
Your loving care tends to all lives, big n small,
Your loving smile brings cheer to many a troubled soul,
Your loving help extends willingly to every task on hand,
Your loving presence itself is a divine boon to all.
You are much more my dad than an in-law.
Happy Father's Day to You !!

-- Asha Kalyanpur

 Dear Papa,

I do not know how to express my love towards you.

When I am happy, I think you.
When I am sad, I think you.
When I am alone or with anyone I always find you there in the form of thoughts and feelings.
You are everywhere for me, YES I LOVE YOU.

To make me special, To give me strength, To provide me power and To give me love and Narayan, Thank you papa.

-- Rahul

We miss you papa u left us so early. You didn't give me the chance to show how much I cared for you!!
-- Aakash 




My dear papa,

I love you choooo much. You are the sweetest dad on this earth. You are so far from me, in Ukraine, how can I come and hug you and kiss you?

I wanna hold your fingers and see this world from your side. I am just 5 months old and this is your first father's day. I want to make it very-very special for you.

I thank rediff for giving me this chance. It's been so long since we both have seen each other and soon I want to join you there and will have lots of fun and laughter together. You'll be the best dad and I promise I will be the best son. "Jaldi-jaldi aapse milne aunga"

Tiny-tiny hands
Tiny-tiny feet
Here's your son
Who wants to meet!
Have a great father's day papa.

Miss you!!

Love and regards
-- Diivij Todi

Dear Pop

I love you so much , happy father 's day

-- Gaurav Nikkam



Death 'cannot' do us apart Dad!

Dear dad,It's been 17 long years since you  left your earthly abode, while I was 23  yet what you were to me for the years when I had you around is enough to keep me in good stead for a lifetime and more! I do miss your physical presence but you would be surely knowing that you are my god now and you would be guiding god's hands to weave a perfect destiny for me,Thanks for watching and being there for me ethereally!Tearfully remembering you on father's day on this ..my 40th year of life.Always your darling

-- Jos (Josna)

Hey daddy,

You have been always an inspiration for me. You always knew what's' the best for me and so you guided me through the right path of life. You not only gave me life, but you also made me learn how to live a good life. On this day of yours I would like to thank you for everything you did for me.

You are my loving daddy.
It's an honour to be your daughter
You are so cute and caring
How can I forget?
All those moments of tears and laughter!!
Together we share a very emotional bonding
Without you I am just nothing
You are my mentor
My pride and my admire
Besides all the wrestle and the struggle
In our family circle
You are the center.

Love you papa!! Have a great father's day. You and mom are the best!

Your loving daughter,

-- Shalini Todi


I feel very bad when you go to office in the morning leaving me alone at home. I enjoy each and every moment,  I play with you. I am not at all scared when you through me up in the air and catch me before I fall on the ground. Mama , I too miss you when you are in school. I love you mama. I love you Papa!

-- Monalisa

Dearest Papa,

I just want to say that papa you are the best dad on this earth. In every life I want you to be my father. You always realized and fulfilled my needs even before I realized them. You were always there with me when I needed you the most. May it be my High School Mathematics paper or when I told you about the girl I love. I want to tell you Dad that it was just you for whom I wanted to score good in maths as you were a genius in maths and I was just opposite. Just want to prove that I can do anything for you Papa. Even if it means conquering my greatest fear -- maths. I remember when you gifted me the computer, the best in town, the latest configuration, it was way back in 1999. Still, when I use it I can feel you standing behind me, your hand on my shoulders and saying "Partner,teach me too !!!".

I cherish those moments when after my IInd year Engineering Examinations when I was at home for holidays, you asked suddenly about my girlfriend and whether I have proposed or not. When I told you about the comittment you assured that 'Son I am there for you always'. Today she is my wife, however you were not there in my marriage. You said you will be there always however you went away leaving your little child alone in this world. Today, Ma, Deepa and I miss you a lot, we love you a lot. I am about to buy my first car and always wanted you to be with me. If there is Internet in heaven and you could read this please accompany me to showroom. Please come once so that I can hug you and say "Pitaji I love you and I am sorry for hurting you whenever I did." I want to tell you that I LOVE YOU AND WANT YOU TO BE MY DAD IN EVERY LIFE. YOU ARE MY IDOL, YOU ARE THE BEST DAD AND HUMAN BEING. FOR ME YOU ARE GOD. LOVE U HAMESHA.

-- Anu

Beta Dhruv,
I never thought it would happen in my life that I would lose my son without any mistake. Beta Dhruv, I am missing you since so many years. It's very painful to live away from you and more painful to digest that I am not allowed to meet you let alone see you due to the biased judicial system in India.

My aspirations for your upbringing have been crushed. I have memories of you in form of few photos I cherish always. Rest, I see you growing in my imagination which I carry with me everyday. Your midnight cries still resonate in my ears and soothe me.

Loving you.

-- Rakesh Kanojia

Dear Dad,
Here is something I wanted to tell you--

To My Dad

I am thirteen now
And I've seen you day in and day out
When you are by my side
I have nothing else to care about

You are my role-model
You show me the way
You make my day perfect
I hope you continue to do that every day!

Daddy, stay by my side
And teach me everything that's new
I wanted to tell you this-
Daddy, I really, really love you!!!

-- Niru

Dear Papa..

Happy Father's Day.

I have never sat with you, never seen eye to eye. But I love you a lot. I have learnt what it is to be a father after Aanu has come in our lives. Although still I have been unable to express the love that Aanu expresses to the both of us (and so refreshingly!) I just want to let you know that I respect and love you for your honesty, simplicity and being the gentleman that you have been all your life.

Love you PAPA.

Lots and lots of love,

Your enfant terrible

-- Viji 

Thank you, dear readers, for your tremendous response. We hope dads -- young and old, new and soon-to-be -- all had a wonderful Father's Day! Join us next year once again, when we celebrate all that it means to be a 'father'. 

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