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The most recent are first. Message numbers are unique. And you may, of course, click through to earlier postings. Enjoy.

183. Fernando Pereira
January 6, 1999
My Linux server never went down in the last two years, except when I explicitly shot down the machine.

182. Nazeeh Amin
January 6, 1999
Linux.. why? well.. it's very stable, it's backed up by Intel, Corel, Netscape and more... you have access to all source which means that you are your own boss.. you don't like something..sure ... change it to your liking.. you don't have to wait for any company to do it for you...if ever! it's more secure as you KNOW what in there! you have the code! not binaries! (remember the incident of IE 4.0 reporting to MS info about the computer it's running on?). Linux will cost you MUCH less than any other choice and the good news.. the new kernel is to be out VERY VERY soon.. so Linux IS ready to server you best :)

181. Harshal Jawale
January 6, 1999
LINUX all the way !!!! Linux !

180. Dave Mitchell
January 6, 1999
Better performance, lower price, better uptime.What else is there?

179. Eivind
January 6, 1999
Linux. It's cheap, stable, well performing and alone in offering the customer a choice of vendor.

178. Vardhan Varma
January 6, 1999
If you have dozen Servers to configure simultaneously, I bet it'll be easier on Linux/Unix using **ix philosphy of some simple scripts. On NT, using NT's philosphy of GUI, this will be sysadmin's nightmare.

177. Lakshmana Pillai
January 6, 1999
Unix - Definitely Yes.
Linux - May be. If cost is an issue and if good support is available for Linux in India, I will definitely go for it. NT - Definitely No. I will never run my web site on NT. Linux is far better. Website is a centralized server. Scalability, Reliability, Performance, Security... are the very important factors to be considered and compared before choosing the platform. NT does not provide any of these. So, you can eliminate NT.

176. Anand Srivastava
January 6, 1999
Linux is Unix, albiet a cheap one which can work with cheap Intel hardware. Linux or FreeBSD will be the best option, because
1) It is Unix, which means stability and reliability because of maturity in the concepts. Unix also means ease of remote management. You can manage all the servers from one server. And highly scriptable, due to the design philosophy of building small but effective tools. This results in lesser requirement of System Administrators. It is true that Unix administrators would be more expensive but they are much more knowledgeable which will give better results. Pay the administrator more money but expect that he/she will be able to interact with the freeware support channels and do whatever maintenance is required. The sysadmin should not have the option of blaming any software problems on the manufacturer. That is have in-house support. The sysadmins should be able to do both jobs. Even if you pay lots to the sysadmins it should still be much cheaper.
2) The two are very efficient, and can use the hardware very optimally. They don't need to run the resource hogging GUI and no need to have expensive monitors, instead you can use one monitor for managing all of them.
3) FreeBSD scores over Linux in having a very server oriented Distribution. While Linux has better hardware support.
4) The two don't have any licensing problems reducing management costs. If you add all the above benefits setting and running costs should be much lesser than commercial OSs. There is another very important reason why ISPs should use Free Software. These software fix their bugs as soon as they are discovered. If you have able sysadmins they would be able to keep your systems upto date and protected from external perpetrators. For example, ever seen Netbus, I would strongly advise to have a look at it before even thinking of NT, also NT (although much better than Win98) is dreadful in reliability, stability, and efficiency. Linux and FreeBSD will do much more work on lesser hardware. Even commercial unices are not very good, they take longer to release patches and are not at all efficient (money wise). ISPs should use free software because they don't use any software that is not already done by free software in a better way. I hope the above is pretty comprehensive. I guess more lines would have been helpful in arranging the data in a better way.

175. Sampath Aravamudan
January 6, 1999

174. Jayesh Shah
January 6, 1999
Hi friends, I think Linux is better;
1) Proven
2) More Support is available
3) Perfoms better
Though is difficult to configure and work on but "User Freindliness" the term associated with Microsoft has always turns out to be "Waste of resources and inefficiency" in the long term..

173. Shashvat Sinha
January 6, 1999
Okay, I have Linux and NT on my box, and use Solaris (Unix) extensively for my work.
I predominantly use NT. This is because of ease of use, and familiarity with the GUI, both of which are personal reasons. There are thousands who will have no problem with the ease of use of Linux vs NT.
I do know that for a given (Intel Pentium) system, Linux is far more powerful and robust than NT. Not to mention fast. It requires a good setup and some tweaking, after which it is as solid as a rock.
NT is not that good when it comes to reliability and power. And ease of use for the user should not be a factor when the only person interacting with the OS will be a highly competent Systems Administrator and no one else (net-surfers will not interact with the OS of the ISPs server).
But both these systems will be beaten hands down by Solaris when it comes to huge installations, with thousands of simultaneous users. Linux is an unknown quantity in these waters. NT doesn't even come close to the power of Solaris.
So, IMHO, Solaris (or the preferred form of Unix) for the huge nationwide ISPs. Linux for the others. But I could be wrong. Take a Multiple Pentium CPU server with tons of memory and big pipes to the net, load it with Linux, and I think it'll knock the socks off any other OS available, Unix or NT. Use NT Workstation at home, surfers. It is far superior to Win95 or Win98.

 172. Sachin
January 6, 1999
Windows NT

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